Celebration Assembly 7.2.20

7th February 2020

Writer of the week
Year 3 - Daisy for awesome use of prepositions.
Year 4 - Owen and Ava for fantastic collaboration producing a report.
Year 5 - Sonny for amazing persuasive writing.

Problem solver of the week
Year 3 - Nina for great resilience with division.
Year 4 - Georgia for great work throughout many areas of Maths.
Year 5 - Snow for tremendous work converting measures.
Yeat 6 - This week year 6 were practicing their SATs test so a few children were celebrated for making great progress in their tests.
Well done to Isaac, James and Kyran.

Fair play award
This week's winner was Olek.

Accelerated Reader
Year 6 winner at the moment Chestnut
Year 5 - Maple
Year 4 - Elm
Year 3 - Willow

Chance card winners
The house with the most points this week were Fry
The class with the most points for Fry was Hazel.

Year 3 winner - Cache
Year 4 winner - Noah
Year 5 winner - Demi
Year 6 winner - Luca

Judo top banana certificate
This week the certificate goes to Lena G.

Playground competitions
Connect four results
3rd place Annabelle and PJ.
2nd place is Dominic
The winner was Dylan.

Eco winners for the most eco friendly packed lunch.They have won the chance to wear non uniform next Friday.
Year 3 - Daisy
Year 4 - Elsie in Oak
Year 5 - Oscar C
Year 6 - Theadora